Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blog Post #8

Quiz: Which TED talk are you? | 

The first Ted Talk 'Your Life Online, Permanent As A Tattoo' from Juan Rodriquez had a close to home feeling for me while listening to his Ted Talk. I think about what he says in the video all the time. Everything you do in life can be tracked and found from the internet and even just being on surveillance camera. It is very scary to think about and makes me feel a little worried for our future. I feel that there is a lack of privacy that people in the 1900s were granted before all of this new technology has came out. I feel that there needs to be some sort of protection and privacy law passed so this can't happen anymore. The second Ted Talk shocked me the most out of all of them. It is scary that local police departments are able to get information about us. The license plate scanner is one of the more terrifying things to me. Police are able to scan everyones licenses plates even if you have never done one thing bad in your life and are able to track where you go and what you do. I feel like this gives no one a sense of safety and makes people feel more afraid. It is a lack of privacy and there needs to be something done about it so that it cannot happen anymore. 

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