Thursday, October 6, 2022

Blog Post #7

Social Media Is Addictive. Do Regulators Need to Step In? | Yale Insights

 The present technology has spread because as it advances we advance with it. I feel that some of the later generation adapts slower or not at all to new or upcoming technology because of their beliefs and maybe because things are advancing to past. For example not matter how many times I try to explain what snapchat is to my mom and how it works, she will never fully get it or understand how to use it. She has Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even Tiktok and she completely understands all of it but I think to myself why can't she ever figure out Snapchat. I believe this could be maybe it's just a confusing technology that she doesn't get because so many new social media apps came to us so quickly. The younger generation adapts and develops faster than the older generation because they have not known anything else. For example my generation, when I was born there was cell phones and way more technology then when my parents were born so I think having some sense of growing up with technology and watching it advance makes it easier for say my generation to adapt to it. I believe there are positives and negatives to new technology especially social media. I feel some of these apps are nice to have but you don't necessarily need them. For instance I think Tiktok is a fun social media app where you can be creative and I get a lot of laughs from. Then there's Instagram where I don't normally go on everyday and don't post all too often. On Instagram people also like to edit themselves too much especially celebrities who set a false body image to many girls.

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