Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Blog Post #3

The United States Bill of Rights – Legends of America

On the Eight Values of Free Expression, the one that resonates with me the most would be the sixth option Promote Tolerance — see Lee Bollinger, The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech. This one resonates with me the most because it is about Freedom of Speech. Freedom of speech is a right granted to every American citizen under the first amendment. It allows any person or group to express their thoughts, ideas, feelings, or beliefs that no one is allowed to take away from them. The First Amendment protects any type of speech whether that is positive speech or hateful speech that is why it is called freedom of speech. Having to hear hateful speech helps us to become more mature and tolerant within our own society which is a good thing. Hate speech can spread positive learning as well such as teaching others and especially young people the difference between good and bad and steering them on the right path. I believe it is good to see both sides of things. That way you get all of the knowledge and having the freedom of speech in our country allows that to happen. With the  Eight Values of Free Expression the one that feels most important to me is number two, Participation in Self-Government — see Alexander Meiklejohn, Free Speech and Its Relation to Self-Government. I feel that voting is of most importance in today's society. With voting and each opponent it is vital for each candidate to be able to express what they want to achieve, strive for, and offer to the table so the voters have all the availability to choose their preferred candidate with all the information. To have a fair and right election, we want each voter to be informed with each side fairly. With recent and past elections there has been a debate with fairness and legitimacy. The idea is to stop that conspiracy so that each person has a fair election and vote. On the Eight Values of Free Expression, number four, Individual Self-Fulfillment ( aka Self-Actualization) — see C. Edwin Baker, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech, feels most personal to myself. It is about free speech with an individual's personal self. Free speech deals with a person's own self, identity, and what they believe. That is very important to me and feels most personal to me. I feel that because it is important for any person to be able to express themselves the way they want. Whether that be that way the dress, what kind of music they listen to, religion, and to be able to have the ability to express virtually what they believe. Something that I see in action today is number 5, Check on Governmental Power (aka Watchdog Role) — see Vince Blasi, Checking Function of the First Amendment. This is about government power and abuse. Some examples of that include Watergate, Irangate, and Clintongate. Recently the FBI invaded former President Donald Trump's home. The raid on his home was due to classified information. The government and FBI went through his house and documents to look for wrong doings while he was in power. 


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